Sept. 4, 2024 (Current Version)

子狐 子狐(こぎつね)
A fox spirit living in the forest. His real name is unknown. In the original work, his gender is also unknown, but in the anime version, he is depicted as male, though it remains ambiguous due to his nature as a spirit. He was being bullied by mid-level spirits living in the forest when he was saved by Natsume, and since then, he has been fond of Natsume. Having lost his mother, he cherishes a stone that seems to be her gravestone, calling it "Mother." Due to his weak powers, he cannot transform into a human on his own, and even when using a potion that allows him to transform, his ears and tail still appear. He treasures a white hat he found in the forest. In the original work, he refers to himself as "watashi," while in the anime, he uses "boku." He appears in episode 7 of the first season of the anime series, where he receives a potion from other spirits to transform into a human and rides a train to meet Natsume. In the final episode, he appears at the summer festival and watches fireworks with Natsume and others. He reappears in the third season. Although he has many interactions with Natsume and the spirits associated with Natsume, he is not an official member of the Natsume group or the Dog Association, so he does not appear in every scene where members gather, and he is not depicted among the members in the opening of the fifth season.

(Edit Author: K K)