Aug. 21, 2024 (Current Version)

Kaisei Ebisugawa
海星 海星
The daughter of Sōun and the younger sister of Kinkaku and Ginkaku. She was once engaged to Yasaburō and was favored by the four brothers' mother, but after Sōichirō's death, the engagement was unilaterally broken off by Sōun. For some reason, she avoids appearing in front of Yasaburō, but it was revealed in "The Return of the Second Generation" that it was to prevent Yasaburō's disguise from being exposed. She despises Benten (as she herself says, "I'd rather die than listen to that half-baked tengu"). Although she has a sharp tongue and constantly hurls insults at Yasaburō, unlike her father and brothers, she has a good nature and often helps Yasaburō and the others in some way, despite her complaints. Perhaps because of this, the mother of the Shimogamo brothers, who should hate the Ebisugawa family due to past events, still seems to favor her. Her appearance is not clearly described in the original work, but her transformed appearance is depicted in the anime.

(Edit Author: K K)