July 6, 2024 (Current Version )

A Journey Through Another World: Raising Kids While Adventuring
异世界悠闲纪行 ~边养娃边当冒险者~ 異世界ゆるり紀行 ~子育てしながら冒険者します~
Due to a mistake by a god, Takumi Kayano lost his life and was reincarnated. He was bestowed with various skills and sent to another world, which turned out to be a dangerous forest teeming with monsters. In the forest, Takumi discovered two young children, a boy and a girl who appeared to be twins, and named them Allen and Elena, taking them under his protection. Surprised by their ability to easily defeat monsters with martial arts, Takumi reached a town and registered at the adventurer's guild to make a living. As he watches over the growth of Allen and Elena, a leisurely life as an adventurer begins!

(Edit Author: K K)