Sept. 6, 2024 (Current Version)

尤尔瓦 ユルヴァ
Thors' daughter, Thorkell's grandniece, and Thorfinn's sister. Her beauty, resembling her mother's, captivates the young men of the village, but she possesses strength that rivals men, such as joining the whale hunt, which women usually do not participate in, and claiming the first spear. She is also very competitive by nature. Unlike her father, who is not attached to money, she has a realistic perspective on its value. After Thors' death, she works tirelessly every day to support the family, which has lost its male head. This was to avoid thinking about her father's death and her missing brother in her daily life, but she broke down in tears for the first time in front of her mother, who told her, "It's enough now." Later, she marries Are and becomes the mother of four children (three sons and one daughter) by 1018. In December 1018, she reunites with Thorfinn. Instead of shedding tears of joy, she initially believes he is an imposter and ignores him. Even after realizing he is genuine, she greets her brother (and the eldest son, who is the heir) with an angry uppercut for leaving home without a word, knocking Thorfinn unconscious with a single blow, despite his endurance of 100 beatings (refer to the slave arc story above). Her bold and tomboyish personality remains unchanged. She is the protagonist of the spin-off work "Original Ylva-chan" by Hideo Nishimoto.

(Edit Author: K K)