July 7, 2024 (Current Version)

Sora Vinsmoke
文斯莫克·索拉 ヴィンスモーク・ソラ
Birthday:July 9
Former Queen of the Germa Kingdom. Sanji's mother. Deceased. A beautiful woman with a face similar to Reiju's. She was a loving and emotionally rich character, in contrast to Judge, happily eating the failed bento Sanji brought as a child without changing her expression. Her birthday is July 9th (Sora, Vinsmoke 9). She opposed Judge's manipulation of their children's lineage factors and took a drastic poison that affected her lineage factors, risking her life in resistance. Thanks to her, Sanji was born as the only one among the four siblings with emotions. However, she became bedridden due to the aftereffects and died while Sanji was still in Germa. She never regretted taking the poison and was happy with Sanji's kindness and concern for her. She shares her name with the protagonist of the picture story "Warrior of the Sea Sora," which is modeled after Germa 66, but their relationship is unknown.

(Edit Author: K K)