May 14, 2024 (Current Version )

Tenka Izumo
出云天花 出雲 天花(いずも てんか)
Height: 163 centimeters. Birthday: October 1st. Blood type: A. Bust: 88 (F cup). Sixth division leader. A calm and composed woman. Skilled in financial management and has a fondness for financiers. From childhood, she was a clever honor student trusted by the head of the organization, and she is well-known in society as an excellent leader. She is also adept at using social media. Born in Shimane Prefecture, she contributes to her hometown by appearing in PR videos. She has never had a boyfriend or been interested in any boys until she desired a male pet to soothe the stress of her demanding role as a leader and to relieve her boredom. She took a liking to Yuuki, who devoted himself to her as a slave, and her affection led her to bold actions such as confessing and overpowering him. Since then, she has been using her abilities to sneak into Yuuki's room. In the battle at the hidden village of the humanoid demons, she fought Yuuki's sister, Aoba, but angered her by calling her "sister-in-law" sincerely before the fight. She nearly defeated Aoba but stopped her attack, thinking it would sadden Yuuki, which led to her defeat and serious injury. However, Aoba acknowledged her for considering Yuuki's feelings and called her a "good person." Since recovering, she frequently visits Yuuki and also meets Aoba to report on Yuuki's achievements, gaining trust by providing supplies to Aoba and her allies among the humanoid demons. In popularity polls, she ranked first in both the first and second rounds. Ame no Mitori Ability to manipulate space. Can teleport to different locations or tear space itself to bypass defenses and attack directly. The range of attack varies from pinpoint accuracy to annihilating a large army of demons in one strike. Teleportation is possible even to unseen locations. To teleport someone other than herself, Tenka must touch the person and teleport together, but if touching, she can teleport multiple people at once. Tenka alone can teleport up to 666 times consecutively, and the count resets after a brief pause. The maximum distance for teleportation is within 50 kilometers. The origin of the ability's name, "Ame no Mitori," comes from a deity recorded in the "Izumo no Kuni Fudoki."

(Edit Author: K K)