Aug. 24, 2024 (Current Version)

Keisuke Hirose
廣瀨啓祐 広瀬 啓祐(ひろせ けいすけ)
A male student who participated in the bullying centered around Shouya. He is characterized by his obese physique. Like Shimada, he was good friends with Shouya and also took part in bullying Shouko, but eventually betrayed Shouya by following Shimada's lead and began bullying him. In middle school, he, along with Shimada, spread rumors about Shouya from their elementary school days, causing him to become isolated, and became one of the people Shouya did not want to meet. In the high school arc, he no longer interfered with bullying and did not meet Shouya again. Later, it is mentioned by Ueno that he, along with Shimada, helped save Shouya, who was left in a critical condition after stopping Shouko from attempting suicide. However, whether he reconciled with Shouya, like Shimada, was not revealed until the end. By the time of the coming-of-age ceremony, he was married to a woman who had not appeared until then, and they had a young daughter.

(Edit Author: K K)