Aug. 17, 2024 (Current Version)

Akiie Kitabatake
北畠显家 北畠顕家(きたばたけ あきいえ)
The Supreme Commander of the Defense Headquarters entrusted with controlling the northern regions by Emperor Go-Daigo. A strikingly beautiful youth with androgynous features accentuated by flamboyant makeup. Known as an "extraordinary noble," he is a master strategist on the battlefield, especially renowned for his exceptional archery skills. In 1336, at the tender age of 19, he scattered the Ashikaga forces with lightning-speed maneuvers, forcing Takauji to retreat to Kyushu. Despite his disdainful attitude toward samurai, whom he considers barbaric, he takes a sadistic pleasure in verbally tormenting others. Underlying this harsh demeanor is his belief that "differences and distinctions exist in living beings, and that's perfectly natural." This ideology leads him to show respect through actions rather than words, forging close, almost camaraderie-like relationships with his subordinates in northern Japan. In December 1337, he arrives in Izu with a reply from Emperor Go-Daigo for Tokiyuki. After testing Tokiyuki's courage and resolve, he acknowledges him and welcomes him into his army.

(Edit Author: A A)