Aug. 15, 2024 (Current Version)

Hiryu Rin
鳞飞龙/龙帷子 鱗 飛龍(りん ひりゅう) / 龍帷子(ロンウェイヅゥ)
Birthday:July 14
Blood Type:A
Male student. Characterized by a hairstyle resembling a queue. Serious and diligent. Highly attentive and reliable, often depended upon. Although he is an exchange student from China, he transferred to Japan in elementary school, so he is fluent in Japanese. He uses "Aiya" for the sake of his classmates. He feels a sense of kinship with his fellow exchange student, Tsunotori. His hero costume is Chinese-style, with a visor shaped like a talisman covering half of his face, resembling a jiangshi. The characters on the talisman read "Zui Shin Ho Mei." He wears scale gauntlets on his hands and scale boots on his feet as support items, allowing him to store and shoot scales like a machine gun. Additionally, he always carries collagen and calcium supplements in his waist pouch. "Quirk": Scales He can shoot scales or use them as armor. Generating scales requires collagen and calcium, making supplements essential during combat.

(Edit Author: A A)