Sept. 17, 2024 (Current Version)

蒂緹琳朵 ディートリンデ
A candidate for the lordship of Ahrensbach. The youngest daughter of Georgine, she became the most promising candidate for the next lord after her brother Wolfram's accidental death, as there were no other lord candidates left due to Ahrensbach's customs. Despite not understanding her own not-so-high abilities, she always carries an unfounded confidence and is extremely arrogant, earning her a bad reputation from those around her. She attempted to stage a rebellion with Lanze Nave to become the Zent but failed. Due to the gods' decree to avoid further reducing the number of magic bearers, those involved could not be executed, and she was sentenced to spend her life in the temple, dedicating her magic for the country. However, she shows no signs of remorse.

(Edit Author: K K)