July 7, 2024 (Current Version)

文斯莫克·山智 サンジ
Birthday:March 2
A chef and a master of leg techniques!! Former sous chef of the ocean-going restaurant "Baratie." He may have a foul mouth, but his cooking skills are top-notch, making him a chef of the sea. His dream is to find the legendary ocean "All Blue," which is said to contain ingredients from all the seas of the world. He is in charge of the crew's stomachs, preparing hearty meals to satisfy big eaters like Luffy, as well as delicate dishes that please the female crew members. He shows a strong interest in unknown ingredients and dishes, and with his insatiable desire for improvement, he masters them. Not only in cooking, but he also contributes to the crew in combat, with powerful leg techniques inherited from his master, "Red-Leg Zeff." While he is merciless towards men, he is extremely weak towards women. He is quick-witted and his ideas and actions often save the crew in a pinch.

(Edit Author: K K)