Sept. 17, 2024 (Current Version)

韋菲利特 ヴィルフリート
The eldest son of Sylvester and Florencia. Although the same age as Rozemyne, due to Wilfried’s baptism being in spring and Rozemyne’s in summer, he becomes her older brother-in-law. He has a personality remarkably similar to Sylvester's, and according to Rozemyne, he’s like a mini Sylvester. Despite being initially set to succeed as the next lord due to Sylvester’s wishes, he was spoiled by Veronica and grew up disliking studies and avoiding his retainers. Even after his baptism, he couldn’t read and couldn’t even play a scale on the harspiel (musical instrument). He was envious and clashed with Rozemyne, who seemed carefree and easygoing, but after Rozemyne’s scheme switched their lifestyles, he realized he was inferior to the orphans, apprentice merchants, and apprentice gray priests. With Ferdinand threatening disinheritance, he began to study, allowing him to maintain the dignity of the lord’s child at the noble presentation. However, he lost the nomination as the next lord after committing the sin of meeting Veronica, who had been confined, without permission. In the Noble Academy, he was deemed excellent; however, he was sometimes unable to read the room, to the point where Rozemyne felt he was less suited for socializing than she was. At ten, he became engaged to Rozemyne to prevent her from being taken by a higher-ranking territory, and this reinstated him as the next lord, but he carelessly acted in ways that earned the disapproval of the Raifung (Rauffenberg) faction, considered Rozemyne’s backing. During a visit to the Raifung with whom they hadn't adequately liaised post-purge, he was harshly spoken to by the elders, causing him to gradually feel dissatisfied with his engagement to Rozemyne. When Rozemyne was set to become the third wife of Prince Sigiswald and their engagement was annulled, Wilfried, perhaps relieved, noticeably lost his tense demeanor towards Rozemyne, much to her bewilderment.

(Edit Author: K K)