July 14, 2024 (Current Version)

Minoshiro Modoki
拟蓑白 ミノシロモドキ
Imitating Minoshiro, the Tsukuba branch of the National Diet Library has an autonomous evolutionary type, self-propelled archive. The official name is "Panasonic Self-Propelled Archive - Autonomous Evolution Version SE-778HΛ. It has digitized and recorded about 40 million books published by the year 2129. It subsists on the blood of microbes and small animals, among other things, and also possesses self-defense mechanisms such as hypnotism through luminescence. Minoshiro Modoki Voice - Akiko Hiramatsu A small, old model of Minoshiro Modoki. The official name is "TOSHIBA Solar-Powered Self-Propelled Archive SP-SPTA-6000".

(Edit Author: K K)