July 18, 2024 (Current Version)

紅千鳥 ベニチドリ / マツ
Birthday:March 15
Another tall woman ninja serving as Shuro's bodyguard. 23 years old. Her real name is "Mats." She has two stars. Petite and beautiful. She comes from a poor farming village and was bought from her service place to a more prominent household. Growing up reading people's moods, she suffers from dysmorphophobia, unable to expose her own face without makeup, and as a reaction has mastered the art of disguise. On the other hand, she has formed a strong friendship with Hien, who has complimented her natural face. Together with Hien, she expresses concern about Shuro and Farin's marriage by describing it as "the painting materials changing."

(Edit Author: K K)