July 6, 2024 (Current Version)

Tsubasa Hanekawa
羽川翼 羽川 翼(はねかわ つばさ)
A high school girl captivated by cats and glared at by tigers. She first appeared in "Hitagi Crab." She is the main character in "Tsubasa Cat," "Koyomi Vamp," "Tsubasa Family," "Tsubasa Tiger," "Koyomi Stone," "Sodachi Lost," and "Tsubasa Sleeping." She is the second most frequently appearing character after Koyomi, involved directly and indirectly in many episodes from the beginning of the story, playing a significant role. She is in the same class as Koyomi and Hitagi and serves as the class president. However, the title "President-chan" used by Meme Oshino and Shinobu Oshino originates from "Kizumonogatari," where they were unaware of her actual position, and it was derived from a book Koyomi had. Initially, she wore glasses and braids, but she cut her hair in "Tsubasa Song" and switched to contact lenses from "Karen Bee." Later, she began growing her hair again. By the end of "Tsubasa Tiger," her hair turned into a black and white tiger pattern, which she dyes black every morning before school, though she tends to forget during vacations. She has a voluptuous body but appears slimmer due to her clothing, making it less noticeable. She is serious, well-mannered, and a person of good sense. Strict with rules but not rigid, she can empathize with people in difficult situations and does not mind self-sacrifice (which she considers self-satisfaction). She is highly knowledgeable, often impressing Koyomi with her breadth of knowledge, though she typically responds, "I don't know everything, just what I know." Her academic performance is top of her class, with perfect scores in practical subjects, only missing one fill-in-the-blank question (which Hitagi claims was due to a mistake by the teacher who made the exam), making her an honor student. Her analytical and deductive skills are exceptional, leading to her uncovering and resolving issues that would otherwise remain unnoticed, earning her the nickname "the ultimate troublemaker." She is 158 cm tall with a shoe size of 23.5 cm. She graduated from the same middle school as Hitagi and Suruga. She has been a class president since elementary school, where her nickname was "Basa." Now, no one calls her that, except for Shinobu, who once referred to her as "Basa-neesan" in the main story. In "Koyomi Vamp," she met Koyomi during spring break and became his only friend. Koyomi is grateful to her as his lifesaver. She was attracted to Koyomi, but soon after, he became lovers with Hitagi, causing her immense stress, leading to the incidents in "Tsubasa Cat" and "Tsubasa Tiger." During the Golden Week aberration rampage, her knowledge allowed her to counter all of Meme's aberration strategies. Her quick thinking and deductive skills make her a challenging opponent for Meme and Deishuu, and Koyomi refers to her as "the real thing." She is highly trusted by younger characters like Mayoi, Karen, and Tsukihi, but she does not get along with Ougi. Her biological father is unknown. Her unmarried biological mother married for money right after Tsubasa's birth but committed suicide a year later due to her motives. Her mother's husband soon remarried Tsubasa's current stepmother, and Tsubasa took her stepfather's surname, "Hanekawa." Thus, she has no blood relation to her current parents and is essentially an orphan with a strained relationship with them. She could see Mayoi because she did not want to go home. After graduating high school, she traveled abroad and worked in conflict zones for an NGO (she had previously taken a month off school before graduation to travel around the world). Five years later, in "Musubimonogatari," she became "Tsubasa Hanekawa," a war mediator who has been brokering peace treaties and stopping wars worldwide. However, her actions, akin to "erasing all national borders," have made her akin to an internationally wanted criminal in various countries.

(Edit Author: K K)