July 11, 2024 (Current Version)

亚当 アダム
"The Father of All Humanity." A beautiful young man with a childlike innocence still on his face and a muscular physique, covering his groin only with a single leaf. His weapon is a knuckleduster, forged as a divine artifact by Regindrive. As a being created to mimic the gods, he possesses a special ability called "Divine Emulation" that allows him to instantly replicate any divine technique he witnesses, but continuous use puts an extraordinary overload on his neural circuits, causing bleeding from the eyes and eventually leading to blindness. He once lived an untroubled life in Paradise but took revenge against the Serpent God who maliciously framed and banished Eve (voiced by Nao Komatsu) from the Garden of Eden, by eating the fruit of good and evil in front of the gods, and protected her. In the arena, he was said to be the most god-hating human, but he held no hatred toward the gods at all; his participation as a warrior was solely to protect all of his children, humanity. He was defeated by Zeus and scattered into light along with Regindrive.

(Edit Author: K K)