Aug. 17, 2024 (Current Version)

Yoshisue Shibukawa
涩川义季 渋川義季(しぶかわ よしすえ)
The head of the first squad. A young man with long hair slicked back. His weapon is a large greatsword called "Senrinagi," which is taller than he is. His sister married Naoyoshi, and his daughter Sachiko later married one of Takauji's sons, establishing a close relationship with the Ashikaga family. Because of this, he has Naoyoshi's deep trust and an exceptionally strong loyalty to the Ashikaga family. He is serious and straightforward, valuing the samurai code of "loyalty and honor above all." However, he can be inflexible, and if an enemy does not match his ideal image of a samurai, he becomes enraged, increasing his combat power in the Southern and Northern Courts' game of tag, "Asura Oni." By nature, he is a young man with a strong sense of justice and kindness. During the war to overthrow the shogunate, he refused to turn his blade against the Hojo family, to which his wife's family was connected. However, Naoyoshi, who valued his martial prowess, promised him favorable treatment within the clan, leaving him no escape route. As a result, he began to use his sense of justice for the benefit of the Ashikaga. He, along with Shibukawa, Iwamatsu, and Sekito, is considered the strongest formation of the guard. During the Nakasendai Rebellion, he was the commander-in-chief of the first battalion, stationed at Kumegawa in Musashi Province to intercept the Hojo army. He then pursued the retreating Hojo army to Onnakagehara. After defeating Unno, he ordered the annihilation of the entire enemy force. However, he was caught off guard in the chaos and ended up in a two-on-one battle against Tokiyuki and Kojiro. Exhausted by Tokiyuki's provocations and strategies, he was drawn into a one-on-one duel with Kojiro. After a fierce battle, he was defeated. He praised Kojiro's martial prowess and, with his dying breath, warned Tokiyuki of the "pain of upholding justice."

(Edit Author: A A)