April 25, 2024 (Current Version )

布鲁斯 ブルース
(Gender:Male )
The third successor of One For All, a young man who wears a bandana on his forehead and ties his hair back. He was a comrade of the second successor, Kudou, and refers to him as "Leader." His real name is Bruce. During the era when All For All's physical prime was advancing, he fought against All For One as a comrade of "Leader (Kudou)" and was with Kudou when he first encountered Yoiichi. "Quirk": Emission A quirk that allows him to temporarily store kinetic energy by repeating certain movements and release the stored energy with minimal movement.

(Edit Author: A A)

April 25, 2024

布鲁斯 ブルース
The third successor of One For All, a young man who wears a bandana on his forehead and ties his hair back. He was a comrade of the second successor, Kudou, and refers to him as "Leader." His real name is Bruce. During the era when All For All's physical prime was advancing, he fought against All For One as a comrade of "Leader (Kudou)" and was with Kudou when he first encountered Yoiichi. "Quirk": Emission A quirk that allows him to temporarily store kinetic energy by repeating certain movements and release the stored energy with minimal movement.

(Edit Author: K K)