Aug. 21, 2024 (Current Version)

TWELVE/久见冬二 ツエルブ / 久見 冬二(ひさみ とうじ)
Another protagonist of the story. A boy who transferred to the same high school as Nine. Seventeen years old. He has a bright and pure personality. He looks up to Nine like an older brother and always acts together with him. He has a good memory, able to memorize the faces and full names of students from other classes, and is skilled at operating motorcycles and snowmobiles. He possesses synesthesia, perceiving voices and sounds as colors. He was in the same facility as Nine but escaped with him eight years ago. To rescue Lisa, who was kidnapped by Hive, he goes to her alone but betrays Nine to save her life, revealing the location of the small atomic bomb they had seized in Aomori to Hive. Afterward, he is released with Lisa and, upon hearing from her that Nine is holding a press conference, goes to assist Nine. During this, possibly due to throwing a grenade, he falls from his bike and is injured, collapsing when he reunites with Lisa in Tokyo. After recovering, he expresses gratitude to Lisa for being there for them, who had lived alone without being needed by anyone. After the explosion of the small atomic bomb, he visits the facility where they were once held with Lisa, reunites with Nine there, and reconciles. His true purpose is the same as Nine's, and he tells Shibazaki, "We needed someone to find out and come to catch us." Immediately after, he is shot dead by the U.S. military, who came by helicopter, on orders from the American government, fearing the disclosure of their involvement in the Sphinx incident. Replacing the character for "Fuyu" (冬) with "Tō" (十) makes Twelve (12 = Twelve).

(Edit Author: K K)