April 25, 2024 (Current Version )

Mei Hatsume
发目明 発目 明(はつめ めい)
A female student in Class 1-H of the Support Course. She is characterized by her dreadlock-like pink hair and eyes with reticle patterns. She wears goggles. She has a glamorous figure that rivals Yaoyorozu. A born inventor, she calls her inventions "super cute babies" and "child number (production order)." Due to her frank nature, she approaches the opposite sex without hesitation. She is also calculating and pathologically self-centered. According to Power Loader, she is "pathologically self-serving," disrupting the minds of those involved while "always acting, not fearing failure, and not being bound by conventional concepts." Also, as a capable designer, she believes in accommodating unreasonable demands from clients, creating exactly what they ask for when commissioned by others. Inspired by her ideas, Midoriya switches his fighting style from using his repeatedly damaged arms to using his legs and kicks. Since then, she has collaborated with Power Loader on hero costumes for the Hero Course and has taken on Midoriya's hero costume personally. "Quirk": Zoom She has the visual ability to see objects up to about 5 kilometers away. Even while moving at high speeds, she can accurately aim and lock onto a target.

(Edit Author: K K)