Aug. 21, 2024 (Current Version)

佩林特 ペリント
The leader of the gold mine workers. Former high-ranking official of Marden. Appears from Volume 1. Once served in the court but lost in a political struggle, had his assets confiscated, and was sent to work as a gold mine laborer. He was a high-ranking official well-known to Wein, and he demonstrated his intelligence by recording the trends in gold mine output. During Natra's occupation of the gold mine, he secretly secured the mine's tunnel maps and, impressed by Wein's good governance, pleaded with him not to abandon his fellow miners in exchange for the maps, which impressed Wein. Even after the gold mine was fully annexed into Natra's territory, he continues to serve Natra as the person in charge of the gold mine.

(Edit Author: K K)