Aug. 13, 2024 (Current Version)

Makoto Hanamiya
花宫真 花宮 真(はなみや まこと)
Birthday:January 12
Blood Type:AB
Height: 179 centimeters / Weight: 67 kilograms / Birthday: January 12 A second-year student who serves as the captain and coach of the Kirisaki Daiichi High School basketball team. His position is PG. Jersey number is 9 (first year) → 4. One of the "Uncrowned Kings" with the nickname "Bad Boy." He is a sadistic individual who enjoys seeing players who have devoted their youth to basketball suffer crushing defeats, orchestrating intense rough play that escapes the referee's notice. Last year, he intentionally injured Kiyoshi's knee during the IH preliminaries. According to Hyuga, he is "the most dishonest man in basketball" (not just unsportsmanlike, but he never skips basic basketball practice to torment his opponents). His catchphrases are "Fuhaha" and "No way, idiot." He has a complex about his middle school senior, Imayoshi. He possesses an exceptionally brilliant mind. He excels at reading all of his opponent's attack patterns and stealing the ball. By cooperating with Seto to reduce passing lanes, he can achieve a 100% steal rate. He is also a genius in his own right, boasting basketball skills that overwhelm others even without rough play. He is also adept at using the floater shot (teardrop). After losing to Seirin, he visits to watch the first and final rounds of the WC with his teammates.

(Edit Author: K K)