Aug. 17, 2024 (Current Version)

Takeshi Motoba
本场猛 本場猛(もとば たけし)
Birthday:August 5
Blood Type:B
Taihei's colleague. He is Kirie Motoba's older brother, and she calls him "Aniki" (which evolved from "Onii-chan" to "Nii-chan"). Commonly known as "Bomber." He is a well-built man with an afro hairstyle and a beard. His personality is bright and sociable, but like Sylphyn, he often fails to read the room and is a bit of a clown. His hobbies include pachinko and photography. His birthday is August 5th. He is 192 cm tall and has a blood type of B. At "Diamond Service," his work attitude is unprofessional, often slacking off or napping until the end of the workday. He has a playful nature and frequently enjoys mixers and gambling in his private life. However, he becomes extremely nervous and freezes up like a stone when a woman is in front of him. He has been friends with Taihei since high school. His academic performance back then was extremely poor, often scoring failing grades, and he was nicknamed "15-point Golem" by his classmates. He frequently called Taihei over to his house to help him study for tests. In contrast to Taihei, he is good at driving. He cares about Kirie but often ends up angering her due to his self-serving interpretations and interference. He caused a minor commotion at her high school entrance ceremony, and since then, she has not spoken to him much. He is also touched by Ebina's kind nature and hopes she will become friends with his socially awkward sister. He was overjoyed when he discovered that Kirie often played with Umaru during his visit to Taihei's house. Inspired by seeing Umaru and Sylphyn playing on the jungle gym, he decided to quit his job. He found a business card from a publishing company mixed in with Taihei's cards and went for an interview, where he met the editor Akutagawa. He met "Himouto Umaru" during a visit to Taihei's house, and they get along very well, calling each other "Tanukichi" and "Bomber." He interprets "Beautiful Umaru" as a different person from "Himouto Umaru" and speculates that there are complicated family issues. He also hasn't realized that "UMR" is Umaru and even thinks UMR is a boy. He met Sylphyn through her younger brother Alex and gets along well with her, who calls him "Afro-san." In the "Character Popularity Poll," he ranked 11th overall.

(Edit Author: K K)