Aug. 31, 2024 (Current Version)

Aina Kuronuma
黑沼愛菜 黒沼 あいな(くろぬま あいな)
A classmate in Class 1-2. With her twin tails and cute appearance and gestures, she is the idol-like presence among the boys in the class. She harbors romantic feelings for Sakamoto and actively tries to win him over, but has yet to succeed. Despite her cute appearance, she is calculating and acts cutesy, which initially made her unpopular with the girls in the class. However, thanks to Sakamoto's schemes, she becomes closer to the girls, especially becoming friends with Yagi and Tanaka first. She continues to pursue Sakamoto like the other female students, using her romantic skills and astonishing physical abilities to create opportunities to get closer to him. Contrary to her delicate appearance, she possesses incredible strength, to the point of being teased for her estimated 300kg grip strength, comparable to that of a chimpanzee, after she becomes friendly with the other female students.

(Edit Author: K K)