Aug. 30, 2024 (Current Version)

豪瑟 ハウザー
Birthday:September 19
Blood Type:B
Height: 182cm / Weight: 73kg / Blood Type: B / Race: Human / Birthday: September 19 / Age: 21 Power Level: 1910→2350 (Magic 1090 / Strength 700 / Spirit 560) / Holy Knight Rank: Platinum → Acting Great Holy Knight → Great Holy Knight A cheerful young man with a distinctive pompadour. Although he is a commoner and the son of a blacksmith, he is childhood friends with Gilthunder and Griamore. He is a knight of the Dreyfus faction and holds great respect for his mentor. After facing Diane in the Vaizel Fighting Festival, he develops feelings for her. When he reunites with Diane in the kingdom, he attacks her in a moment of confusion but later teams up with Guila to confront Dreyfus and others for her sake. He lives with his parents in their family home in the capital. After the kingdom's reclamation, he sets out on a journey with Gilthunder and Griamore to uncover the truth. During this journey, he defeats a demon with Hendrickson's help and learns the truth about the kingdom's upheaval from him. He later undergoes a trial in the Druid's village. After reuniting with Meliodas and the others, he participates in the Vaizel Great Fighting Festival at Meliodas's suggestion. During the final battle in the capital after Meliodas's death, he is recognized for his efforts in encouraging his comrades despite the desperate situation and is appointed "Acting Great Holy Knight" by King Bartra after the defeat of the Ten Commandments. In the final chapter, he becomes the Great Holy Knight and grows a beard. Magic Power: "Tempest" The ability to freely control wind and tornadoes. "Rising Tornado" A technique that creates a massive tornado using the magic power of "Tempest." The power can be increased by narrowing the range. "Whirl Shock" A projectile attack that creates a vortex of wind in front of him, compresses it, and launches it at the opponent. "Super Cyclone" A technique that generates the largest-scale tornado centered on himself. The strongest storm. "Breakthrough" A technique that focuses the dispersed wind into a single point at the tip to increase its power, released in the style of Dreyfus's "Breakthrough."

(Edit Author: K K)