July 7, 2024

Shimotsuki Kuina
霜月古伊娜 霜月 くいな(しもつき くいな)
A female swordsman from the same school as Zoro, slightly older than him. Granddaughter of Shimotsuki Koushirou. Deceased. Born in Shimotsuki Village. Died at age 11. Birthday is September 17th (Kuina -> 917). Height 150 cm. Virgo. Blood type S. Favorite foods are milk and tamagoyaki. As a child, she was stronger than the adults in the dojo, and Zoro never managed to win against her in her lifetime (she had a record of 2001 wins and no losses). However, she was pessimistic about her future as a swordsman due to the physical limitations she believed women had, and thought that Zoro would eventually surpass her. One night, she confided her worries to Zoro and they made a promise to compete to see who would become the world's greatest swordsman first. However, she died the next day after falling down the stairs. This event motivated Zoro's ambition to become the world's greatest swordsman, in honor of his best friend's last wish. Zoro's "Wado Ichimonji" sword was her keepsake. Her name is derived from the bird "kuina" (rail).

(Edit Author: K K)

July 8, 2024 (Current Version)

Shimotsuki Kuina
霜月古伊娜 霜月 くいな(しもつき くいな)
Birthday:September 17
A female swordsman from the same school as Zoro, slightly older than him. Granddaughter of Shimotsuki Koushirou. Deceased. Born in Shimotsuki Village. Died at age 11. Birthday is September 17th (Kuina -> 917). Height 150 cm. Virgo. Blood type S. Favorite foods are milk and tamagoyaki. As a child, she was stronger than the adults in the dojo, and Zoro never managed to win against her in her lifetime (she had a record of 2001 wins and no losses). However, she was pessimistic about her future as a swordsman due to the physical limitations she believed women had, and thought that Zoro would eventually surpass her. One night, she confided her worries to Zoro and they made a promise to compete to see who would become the world's greatest swordsman first. However, she died the next day after falling down the stairs. This event motivated Zoro's ambition to become the world's greatest swordsman, in honor of his best friend's last wish. Zoro's "Wado Ichimonji" sword was her keepsake. Her name is derived from the bird "kuina" (rail).

(Edit Author: K K)