Aug. 18, 2024 (Current Version)

Sonomi Daidouji
大道寺园美 大道寺園美(だいどうじ そのみ)
Birthday:October 13
Tomoyo's mother. She is a paternal cousin of Nadeshiko. Maiden name: Amamiya. Born on October 13. Her favorite flower is the nadeshiko. She is the president of the toy company "Daidouji Toys Corporation." Tomoyo sometimes uses new products being tested to help Sakura in her card searches. It seems she was an athlete in the National Sports Festival during high school. She has been close and fond of Nadeshiko since childhood, so she initially didn't think well of Fujitaka, but they later reconciled. She has loved Sakura even before knowing she was Nadeshiko's daughter. Information about her husband (Tomoyo's father) is unknown.

(Edit Author: K K)