

ラントヴェルト, 兰德威尔特

Character Introduction

Sariphi's escort, from the Hyena tribe, commonly known as "Lante." Lante's hyena ancestors had once betrayed the royal family by siding with the enemy nation, leading their kind to live at a distance from other races in an area called the "Hyena Autonomous District." Lante and his mother, who had conceived him with a demon of another race living outside the district, were considered traitors and were ostracized by their own people.
As a child, Lante worked tirelessly to cure his mother's illness, buying medicine from a pharmacy in the city with the money he earned. However, just as he was about to return to the district, he was unilaterally accused of theft by the guards. Lante desperately proclaimed his innocence, but his words were not trusted because he was a "traitorous Hyena," and the demons who witnessed the exchange looked at him with disdain. Ultimately, the medicine bottle was forcibly confiscated, and he was left with no choice but to watch his mother pass away.
Because of this, Lante believed that no one trusted his words because he was in a lower position than the guards, and therefore he became obsessed with moving up in rank. He shut his heart not only to demons but also to humans, including Sariphi. However, during his first duty as the head of the queen regent's (Sariphi's) personal guard in Marshya, when a local soldier tried to frame him without discussion, Sariphi was the first to actively pursue the real culprit, strongly believing in Lante's innocence and proving him blameless. Grateful that Sariphi had believed in his honor, Lante vowed to never forget this favor and swore to devote his life and loyalty to the Queen Regent (Sariphi).

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(Last edited time: Aug. 13, 2024, 6:17 p.m.)

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