Sakuya Sumeragi
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Sakuya Sumeragi

皇 サクヤ(すめらぎ サクヤ), Sakuya Sumeragi, 皇咲夜
Original Name: 皇 サクヤ(すめらぎ サクヤ)


The heroine of this work. She is the daughter of Jugo Sumeragi, the lord of the Hokkaido Block before it was occupied by Neo-Britannia, and Shelly li Britannia. After Jugo's death, she was captured by Neo-Britannia and is said to be imprisoned in the Abashiri forced labor camp. However, the Sakuya in the camp is actually a double, and the real Sakuya escaped capture. She now operates as the mercenary "Rozé," working to rescue her double and best friend, Sakura, who was imprisoned in her place. Additionally, she helps out at the café "Shumari" under the name "Raspberry," with a different hairstyle.
Furthermore, she shares the same surname as Kaguya Sumeragi, the former head of the Kyoto Six Houses, and their first names are also similar. However, while Kaguya ultimately became the Prime Minister of the United States of Japan, Sakuya's father, Jugo, was the lord of the Hokkaido Block, a region of Japan. This indicates that Kaguya was born into the main line of the royal family, while Jugo and Sakuya were born into a branch family.

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(Last edited time: June 30, 2024, 7:11 p.m.)

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