Lance Crown
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Lance Crown

ランス・クラウン(Lance Crown), Lance Crown, 兰斯·库朗
Gender: Male
Height: 178cm
Original Name: ランス・クラウン(Lance Crown)


A cool and handsome young man with silvery hair tinged with blue. According to Todd, he is also tall. A first-year student at Adra Dormitory and a transfer student. He first appears in Episode 7. He has two straight birthmarks under his right eye. He is the eldest son of the Crown family, a "super prestigious" noble family. He excels in gravity magic, fitting for someone with two birthmarks, and is a top student, ranking first in the transfer exam and at the top of his class academically. He thinks quickly and excels in gathering information within the school. However, he is also a severe sister complex, deeply adoring his sister Anna, which leads him to exhibit odd behaviors such as "always carrying a pendant with a photo of his sister" and "giving her bromides as souvenirs." Before the main story begins, Anna contracts an incurable disease that causes her to lose her magical powers, and to prevent her from being disposed of, he aims to become a divine awakener and change society by joining the Magic Bureau. Initially, he appears as an antagonist to Mash, taking Lemon and others hostage and forcing Mash into a fight, acting like a villain, but as mentioned, it's all for his sister, and he is actually a kind-hearted person, albeit clumsy. Despite his harsh attitude towards his dorm mates, calling them "inferior students" and saying they "lower the dorm's image," he shows his caring nature by helping them with their studies.
In order to collect class coins, he takes Lemon, Finn, and Tom hostage and challenges Mash to a fight. However, during the fight, he is effectively defeated by Mash and admits defeat because he is "not a bad guy" and for the reason of being "bored." Afterwards, he becomes close friends with Mash, assisting Mash (and Finn) while calling him a "rival." He also builds a friendly relationship with Mash's close friend, Dot.
The creator described him as the handsome rival in this work, saying that having a character as strong as the protagonist makes it feel like a typical shonen manga.

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(Last edited time: July 5, 2024, 1:46 p.m.)

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