Finn Ames
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Finn Ames

フィン・エイムズ(Finn Ames), Finn Ames, 芬·埃姆斯
Gender: Male
Height: 170cm
Original Name: フィン・エイムズ(Finn Ames)


At best, he's a prudent and sensible young man; at worst, he's a craven coward. A first-year student in the Adra dormitory and an internal student. Mash's roommate. He first appears in Episode 4.
He has black hair, but the front bangs on the left are blonde. He has freckles on his face, which earns him the nickname "Freckles-kun" from Love Cute. He has a straight birthmark under his right eye and possesses unique magic that allows him to move positions. Due to the rule that internal students and transfer students share rooms, he ends up sharing a room with Mash. Initially, he tries to keep his distance from Mash, who is unreadable in his emotions and actions, but Mash thinks of him as a "good person," and through an incident of bullying by Lloyd, they become friends for the first time. He generally plays the straight man in the series, pointing out the absurdities of Mash and other eccentric companions, and gets swept along by them. He has a keen observational ability, quickly recognizing Mash's method of solving a broom race with sheer strength and noticing Lance's caring nature early on (though he is not aware of it himself).
As Mash's roommate, he initially tries to distance himself from him. When Mash incurs the displeasure of Lloyd, a problematic figure, he is coerced by Lloyd to participate in bullying Mash, but he cannot bear the guilt as Mash continues to treat him as a friend, and he bravely refuses to continue. As a result, he is being beaten by Lloyd when Mash arrives, confesses the truth, and is saved by Mash, who is furious at Lloyd for his unreasonable oppression, and they become close friends.
He has an older brother, Rain, who has become a divine seer, and he feels a strong sense of inferiority as he is mediocre as a magician. He also lost his parents at a young age, which traumatized him with loneliness until he met Mash, and he cherishes the friendship they have built.
The author introduced him as a character who plays the straight man, making him a relatable and endearing character.

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(Last edited time: July 5, 2024, 1:46 p.m.)

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