Kamado Sumiyoshi
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Kamado Sumiyoshi

竈門 炭吉(かまど すみよし), Kamado Sumiyoshi, 灶门炭吉
Gender: Male
Original Name: 竈門 炭吉(かまど すみよし)


Tanjirou's ancestor during the Sengoku period. He lived with his wife, Suyako, in the same dilapidated hut once inhabited by Yoriichi. They were attacked by demons and saved by Yoriichi, which led to their close friendship. Two years later, when their second child was born, Yoriichi visited again and they reunited.
He sympathized deeply with Yoriichi, who continued to blame himself for his failures, but could not find the right words to comfort him. As Yoriichi prepared to leave, showing the Sun Breathing technique and offering his earrings as a parting gift, he promised to pass on the Sun Breathing and the earrings to future generations, encouraging Yoriichi by saying, "You are not a worthless person."
This bond is engraved in Tanjirou's blood memory.

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(Last edited time: June 24, 2024, 4:22 p.m.)

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