Sō Harada
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Sō Harada

原田 蒼(はらだ そう), Sō Harada, 原田苍
Gender: Male
Original Name: 原田 蒼(はらだ そう)


A senior member of the Symphonic Orchestra Club that Aono joins. At the time Aono and others join, he is the concertmaster and the leader of the 1st violin section. A third-year student.
Sakuma, Tsutsui, and Tachibana have been juniors since middle school. Highly skilled, he is depicted as one of the seniors whom Aono and Saeki admire and strive to emulate. With his refreshing and well-formed features, especially his joyful expression during performances and a mysterious aura that draws people in, he has many female students captivated (referred to as "Harada Magic"). He is also popular among both genders due to his friendly demeanor.
To the second-year student, Hatori, who was expected to be the next concertmaster, he harshly says, "Your half-hearted attitude is hindering everyone's effort." Even after retiring from the club, he continues to care about his juniors and tries to meddle frequently.

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(Last edited time: June 15, 2024, 6:28 p.m.)

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