Hiroaki Ayukawa
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Hiroaki Ayukawa

鮎川広明, Hiroaki Ayukawa, 鲇川广明
Gender: Male
Original Name: 鮎川広明


The advisor of the orchestra club and an alumnus of the Umi-Maku High School Orchestra Club, they were in the same year as Takeda-sensei. At the time, they were responsible for playing the trumpet. They pay close attention to their students and provide precise guidance, but because they are strict with both themselves and others, the practice is very challenging. They naturally knew of Aono's background as someone involved in music and had been aware that Aono would be coming to Umi-Maku even before he enrolled, having been consulted by Takeda-sensei. However, to motivate them, they initially pretended not to know and acted as if they only remembered Saeki's name.

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(Last edited time: June 15, 2024, 6:29 p.m.)

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