Aoi Toudou
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Aoi Toudou

東堂 葵(とうどう あおい), Aoi Toudou, 东堂葵
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Original Name: 東堂 葵(とうどう あおい)


A third-year student at the Kyoto Metropolitan Curse Technical College and a Grade 1 sorcerer, he comes from a non-sorcerer family lineage. He is a muscular man with a large build, characterized by his dreadlocked hair and a prominent scar stretching from his left cheek to his forehead. He has an arrogant and rough personality, extremely dislikes boredom and being ordered around by others, and becomes very aggressive towards anyone he deems uninteresting, making him disliked by those around him. However, he shows a warm, friendly side to those he considers "best friends," who naturally adapt to his pace.
He believes that "one's sexual preferences reflect their entire being" and that "people with boring sexual preferences are boring themselves." He habitually asks men about their preferences in women upon first meeting them. His type is "tall women with big butts," and he has a strong affection for a tall idol named Takada-chan (voiced by Tomoyo Kurosawa), to the point of wanting to marry her. He also pays attention to his grooming, always smelling good, though this is often found unpleasant by the female students at the Kyoto school.
He wields a technique called "Boogie Woogie," which allows him to swap the positions of "two things with a certain level of cursed energy" within the range of his technique. This technique is effective not only on living beings like sorcerers and cursed spirits but also on inanimate objects like cursed corpses and cursed tools. He activates this technique by clapping his hands, and he can also feint by clapping without activating the technique.
As a sorcerer, he is skilled enough to exorcise Grade 1 cursed spirits without using a technique and has exorcised Special Grade cursed spirits in the past using his techniques. He primarily engages in physical combat but is also adept at strategic fighting. Due to his personality, he generally does not cooperate with others, but he can work well with Itadori due to their compatible fighting styles and preferences.
In his third year of elementary school, he was strong enough to defeat high school students in fights. One day, bored with his daily life, he followed Yuki Tsukumo, hoping she would free him from his boredom, which led him to the path of becoming a sorcerer.
On the day of the exchange event with the Tokyo school, he separated from the Kyoto school students, who were plotting to kill Itadori, and acted alone. In the first round, he initially dominated Itadori but started to see him as a "best friend" after discovering they shared the same taste in women and even began to have "non-existent memories" of attending the same middle school as Itadori and Takada-chan. Afterward, he coached the inexperienced Itadori on better cursed energy manipulation. Even after the exchange event, he still considers Itadori a "best friend," although Itadori is somewhat annoyed by him.
After the Shibuya Incident, he and Mei Mei recommended Itadori, Fushiguro, Kugisaki, Maki, and Panda for promotion to Grade 1 sorcerers. However, Mei Mei informed him that recommenders could not accompany the recommended during the promotion assessment, which shocked him.
During the Shibuya Incident, he joined forces with Nitta Shin to assist Itadori. He witnessed Kugisaki receiving Mahito's Idle Transfiguration on her face, which nearly broke Itadori's spirit. He encouraged Itadori and fought alongside him against Mahito, but during the battle, he lost his left hand and his right hand became unable to use techniques due to Mahito's technique. Nevertheless, he contributed to Itadori's victory and was later rescued by Tsukumo's group.

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(Last edited time: June 18, 2024, 12:19 p.m.)

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