Mitsumi Iwakura
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Mitsumi Iwakura

岩倉 美津未(いわくら みつみ), Mitsumi Iwakura, 岩仓美津未
Gender: Female
Original Name: 岩倉 美津未(いわくら みつみ)


The protagonist of this work. A first-year high school student who moved to Tokyo from the edge of Ishikawa Prefecture (modeled after Suzu City). A girl with sanpaku eyes and a bob haircut. She aims to become a bureaucrat to fundamentally address the depopulation issues of her severely depopulated hometown. Raised as a prodigy in a depopulated area, she was the top student admitted to a high-deviation-value high school in Tokyo. Her life plan is perfect, including graduating top of her class from Tokyo University, entering the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and making significant contributions to depopulation measures, and becoming a mayor after retirement to greatly improve the finances. However, she nearly stumbled right from the entrance ceremony. She joined the student council and was elected president in her second year. Contrary to her academic abilities, she is not good at sports. She has a younger sister who resembles her mother and a younger brother who resembles her father. Born on March 3rd.
Growing up in a depopulated area, she struggled to fit in with her urban classmates, but her naturally positive nature naturally attracts various individuals with unique personalities around her. She has an honest character with no pretense towards anyone. Her pure and innocent personality influences those around her without her intending to.
She had built a relationship with Sōsuke as a dear friend, but later realized that she had more special feelings for him.

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(Last edited time: June 26, 2024, 5:48 p.m.)

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