Mona Haulia

Mona Haulia

モナ・ハウリア, 茉娜・郝里亚

Character Introduction

Shia's mother and Kam's wife. Deceased. She was kind and wise.
Unlike the timid Haulia tribe, who are not good at fighting, she aspired to be a hero who could protect her precious family from enemies. During Shia's childhood, when Shia was troubled by the thought that she might be a monster, she encouraged her by saying, "I'm envious that you can do things that are different from others."
She was frail and passed away before Shia turned 10. After her death, Hajime visited her grave and expressed his gratitude for giving birth to Shia and for bringing them together.

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(Last edited time: Aug. 13, 2024, 6:17 p.m.)

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