Kasumi Toyama
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Kasumi Toyama

戸山 香澄(とやま かすみ), Kasumi Toyama, 户山香澄
Gender: Female
Height: 156cm
Original Name: 戸山 香澄(とやま かすみ)


Birthday - July 14, Height - 156 cm, Blood Type - Unknown, Class - 1st year Class A No. 15 (Season 1) → 2nd year Class A (Season 2) → 3rd year Class A (Season 3), Nickname - Charisma of the Stars
The protagonist of the series. She is the initiator and leader of "Poppin'Party," and in the band, she plays rhythm guitar and vocals. She also writes the lyrics for the songs, although she is not very good at composition. Her favorite foods are white rice and French fries. She dislikes natto. She is not good at swimming and is afraid of airplanes. She has a distinctive hairstyle resembling cat ears, which is inspired by stars. She is always positive, very energetic, and cheerful, but she often involves those around her in turmoil because she acts immediately on ideas that others might consider absurd. She is assertive but also thoughtful and considerate of others, and her personality influences her friends, especially Yukina, who has been inspired to reevaluate her own musicality. She is also very emotional, often crying when she is sad or happy, and tends to hug others as a form of physical affection.
She often uses abstract expressions filled with onomatopoeia and mimetic words like "sparkle" and "throb," which Arisa refers to as "Kasumi language." She also tends to give people she becomes close with nickname-like names.
While she is active, she struggles with studies and clerical work, which she finds "not sparkling." She has been childhood friends with Hagumi from Hello, Happy World!
Her family includes her father, mother, and younger sister. Her sister, Asuka, attends the affiliated junior high school, having applied and enrolled because she found the uniform "cute," despite coming from a different middle school.
In her quest for things that sparkle and thrill, she encounters a bright red star-shaped guitar, "Random Star," in Arisa's family's storehouse. She is also inspired by a live performance at the live house "SPACE," which leads her to form a girls' band and set a goal to perform there. Initially, she had no knowledge of bands or guitars and couldn't read music scores, but she practiced diligently with love for "Random Star" and passion for the band, gradually improving. When writing lyrics, she tries to change her perspective to find the sparkling and thrilling in ordinary scenes, which Lisa likened to a pound cake.
During the second audition for "SPACE," excessive practice and Shiho's criticism of Kasumi's technical and mental immaturity, culminating in the words "You were the least capable," lead her into a temporary slump where she loses her voice. However, after reaffirming their support for each other, she decides to reattempt the audition for "SPACE." With the support of her members, she is able to sing again.
In the third and final audition before "SPACE" closes, all five members take on the role of vocalists and perform "Forward, March!" Shiho approves, and Kasumi's dream of performing on the stage of "SPACE" is realized.
After advancing to the second year, she ends up in the same class as Arisa and Misaki. Since Arisa is part of the student council, Kasumi occasionally helps with the understaffed council work as a friend. After advancing to the third year, she works part-time at the live house "RiNG," where she assists with stage progression.

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(Last edited time: May 26, 2024, 4:14 p.m.)

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