Uryū Kamihate
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Uryū Kamihate

上終 瓜生(かみはて うりゅう), Uryū Kamihate, 上终瓜生
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 175cm
Original Name: 上終 瓜生(かみはて うりゅう)


The protagonist of this work. A second-year high school student, 17 years old. Height 175 centimeters. Birthday is January 21st.
A clever and diligent person, but a narcissistic atheist who talks back. Aspires to attend the medical school at Kyoto University to become a doctor. Academically excellent and skillful with his hands, he is proficient in all household chores and good with children (according to the three sisters, he is "talented"). He has a very well-groomed appearance, but is naive about romance and has little immunity to it.
After losing his mother at a young age, he was shuffled among relatives and eventually ended up at the "Kiseki-en" orphanage. As he was approaching the age limit for the orphanage, he was taken in by the distant relatives at Amagami Shrine and became a suitor for the three sisters (although he has consistently been reluctant).
After transferring schools, he ends up becoming classmates with Yuna by a strange twist of fate.

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(Last edited time: May 12, 2024, 3:07 p.m.)

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