Asahi Amagami
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Asahi Amagami

甘神 朝姫(あまがみ あさひ), Asahi Amagami, 甘神朝姬
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Height: 149cm
Original Name: 甘神 朝姫(あまがみ あさひ)


Third daughter. A 15-year-old junior high school third-year student. Height is 149 centimeters. Birthday is April 8th. Blood type O.
A sharp-tongued person who speaks her mind without sugarcoating. She refers to herself as "uchi." Complex about having a small chest. A member of the track and field club and a promising long-distance runner. Has severe claustrophobia. In fact, she is a beautiful girl runner known as the "Twilight Running Princess" who shakes up the track and field world.

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(Last edited time: May 12, 2024, 1:53 p.m.)

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