Cam Haulia

Cam Haulia

カム・ハウリア, 卡姆·郝里亚

Character Introduction

The chief of the Haulia tribe of the rabbitmen, and Shia's father. He was originally gentle-natured, but after receiving military-style training from Hajime, who was fed up with the tribe's extreme cowardice, everyone in the tribe except Shia became fearless warriors who do not hesitate to kill their enemies. Deeply admiring Hajime for making them strong, they affectionately call him "Boss."
He later started calling himself "Cam Bantis Elphalight Loderia Haulia, the Dark Hunter of the Abyssal Stir."
During the invasion by the Majin tribe of Fair Bergen, he accepted Regin's request to prevent sending his people to the great labyrinth and annihilated the Majin tribe. Later, to rescue other rabbitmen kidnapped by the invading imperial army, he acted covertly in the imperial capital, got caught in a trap and was captured, but managed to confuse the imperial soldiers by hurling insults at them while directing his own interrogation.
After being rescued, he infiltrated the imperial castle with Hajime's help to defeat Gaharudo, neutralizing all the imperial guards on watch, then attacked the party venue, defeated Gaharudo, and secured a surrender. Afterwards, he delivered the freed demi-human slaves to Fair Bergen, was offered a position as one of the elders and permission for the Haulia tribe to enter Fair Bergen, but he refused. Instead, he accepted a proposal to form an alliance with Fair Bergen, granting the Haulia tribe equal power, and claimed the areas near the great tree and the south as their territory.

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(Last edited time: Aug. 13, 2024, 6:17 p.m.)

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