Tanjurou Kamado
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Tanjurou Kamado

竈門 炭十郎(かまど たんじゅうろう), Tanjurou Kamado, 灶门炭十郎
Gender: Male
Original Name: 竈門 炭十郎(かまど たんじゅうろう)


Tanjirou and Nezuko's father. He was weak and bedridden for a long time and passed away before the story began. The Kamado family has been charcoal burners for generations, passing down the Hinokami Kagura dance and the Hanafuda earrings. It is said that those who inherit these traditions are born with a mark as a sign of their talent, and the male heirs of the Kamado family closely resemble each other in appearance.
A few days before his death, he noticed the presence of a giant man-eating bear approaching the Kamado house in the dead of winter, even before the warning bells rang. He is said to have decapitated the bear with overwhelming strength using an axe.
Additionally, it is implied that he had a higher aptitude for the Hinokami Kagura than Tanjirou, as he stated in his later years that he never found the dance painful in recent years, despite Tanjirou finding it physically taxing.

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(Last edited time: June 24, 2024, 4:17 p.m.)

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