Anon Chihaya
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Anon Chihaya

千早 愛音(ちはや あのん), Anon Chihaya, 千早爱音
Gender: Female
Height: 160cm
Original Name: 千早 愛音(ちはや あのん)


The godparent of the band name, responsible for the side guitar. Also volunteered for the costume department. A first-year student at Uka Girls' Academy High School. After graduating from junior high, she studied abroad in London but returned home after failing to fit in with her surroundings. Consequently, she enrolled at Uka one month late and was placed in Tomori's class (Class A). She has excellent grades and among the members, she has high communication and action skills.
She sometimes trips over a garbage bag in front of her because she has poor eyesight, and wears glasses at school or home. During live performances, she crouches near the multi-effects unit on the floor and presses it with her fingertips.
In junior high, she was so popular that she served as the student council president and formed a student council band (guitar & vocal) for the cultural festival. In high school, she is earnestly practicing guitar, starting from chord progressions to using online materials.
She bravely visits the dressing room of Afterglow, which everyone is afraid of, to greet them and brings back snacks as souvenirs. Despite her eccentric remarks and demeanor, she is relatively capable of normal actions among the members. She goes to neighboring classes, other schools, and near her apartment to talk to Sho, Taki, and Soyo, who are shocked and distanced. Tomori calls her "Ano-chan."

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(Last edited time: May 26, 2024, 4:16 p.m.)

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