Lily Amane
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Lily Amane

天音 リリー(あまね リリー), Lily Amane, 天音莉莉
Gender: Female
Original Name: 天音 リリー(あまね リリー)


The heroine of this work. An angel. While disguised as a human, she acts as a half-Japanese returnee, a talented and beautiful female student.
When acting as a student, she speaks politely, but when her true angelic nature shows, she speaks in an old-fashioned style often referred to as "elderly loli" speech.
She acts independently of the intentions of the heavens, and making Masatora her servant is part of this. It seems she is plotting to outdo the beings of heaven.
She is looked down upon as a "wingless" angel, a symbol of her capabilities, and the wings she showed to Akutsu are fakes created by her powers.

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(Last edited time: June 10, 2024, 6:48 a.m.)

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