Masatora Akutsu
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Masatora Akutsu

阿久津 雅虎(あくつ まさとら), Masatora Akutsu, 阿久津雅虎
Gender: Male
Original Name: 阿久津 雅虎(あくつ まさとら)


The protagonist of this work is a demon. He infiltrated the human world to save the crisis in the demon world, but he was collared by Lily and made into a servant.
For some reason, he has five blackened angel wings on the left side of his back, which are usually invisible but appear when he is enraged. In this state, his physical abilities greatly increase, but he completely loses his reason and relentlessly attacks anything he recognizes as an enemy.

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(Last edited time: June 10, 2024, 6:49 a.m.)

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