Sharon Lendrott
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Sharon Lendrott

シャロン・レンドロット, Sharon Lendrott, 莎朗
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Original Name: シャロン・レンドロット


Alice's mother. She received a curse from Shade that Alice would remain healthy but sleep until she died. However, when the young masters time-traveled to her, Shade changed his mind, and while being parasitized by a split body, the curse was lifted. While she was asleep, her aging had stopped, and even after the curse was lifted, her body remained as it was when she fell asleep at the age of 25.
Despite having lived a hard life, she is cheerful and lively. After saving Victor's life, she was invited to the mansion and started working as a maid in the main house.

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(Last edited time: June 17, 2024, 4:14 p.m.)

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