Alice Lendrott
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Alice Lendrott

アリス・レンドロット, Alice Lendrott, 爱丽丝
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Original Name: アリス・レンドロット


Maid. She has been working for The Duke for the past two years and has a close relationship with him. It's hard to tell what she's thinking during work or when she's "reverse harassing" him, but her love for The Duke is genuine. However, deep down, she seems to believe that she should not be romantically involved with The Duke. Additionally, she enjoys "reverse harassing" him as a hobby and can see and converse with ghosts.
In her childhood, she was frail, but became healthy after Sharon made a contract with Shade. After Sharon was cursed, she was taken in by her aunt, Sharon's sister, but they did not get along well, and she was oppressed.
She has an exceptionally good figure (busty) and always wears a provocative maid outfit during work, which often confuses The Duke during her "reverse harassment." She also seems to somewhat enjoy these interactions.

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(Last edited time: June 17, 2024, 4:12 p.m.)

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