Takuma Kosugi
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Takuma Kosugi

タクマ / 小杉拓馬, Takuma Kosugi, 小杉拓马
Gender: Male
Original Name: タクマ / 小杉拓馬
Resources: Official Website


The protagonist is a corporate drone salaryman who refers to himself as "I." Initially, he saw Mina only as an electronic appliance and his words asking her to "become my wife" were just drunken ramblings. However, as he deepens his interactions with Mina, who treats him as her husband, he comes to accept her as true family. From then on, while he is often puzzled by the differences in thought processes between humans and robots, he also searches for the right distance as a husband in his relationship with Mina. He frequently shows his loving side as a husband who never fails to praise his wife, including for her functions as a robot.

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(Last edited time: April 11, 2024, 4:54 p.m.)

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