Masamichi Yaga
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Masamichi Yaga

夜蛾 正道(やが まさみち), Masamichi Yaga, 夜蛾正道
Gender: Male
Age: 47
Original Name: 夜蛾 正道(やが まさみち)


A Grade 1 sorcerer and the principal of the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College, aged 47. Believing that "education should provide insights," he cares deeply for his students, challenging Yuuji Itadori with his own cursed corpse upon admission and often disciplining Satoru Gojou with punches and chokeholds as part of his strict teaching methods.
He is a leading expert in "Puppeteer Cursed Technique," which involves creating and controlling cursed corpses. The mutated cursed corpse, Panda, was also created by him. His technique allows him to manipulate cursed corpses, which, being puppets, do not feel pain or fear and will relentlessly attack even when struck. He also has a fondness for cute things, which influences the design of his cursed corpses.
He once taught Satoru Gojou, Suguru Geto, and Shoko Ieiri, often scolding the self-centered trio (especially Gojou). Despite his stern demeanor, he cared deeply for them, and was shocked when Gojou told him about Geto killing his own parents. During the Shibuya Incident arc, he tried to protect his former student, Shoko Ieiri, but was ultimately sentenced to death by the higher-ups, who accused him of instigating the Shibuya Incident, and was executed by Raku Ganji.

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(Last edited time: June 18, 2024, 12:17 p.m.)

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