Torture Tortura
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Torture Tortura

トーチャー・トルチュール, Torture Tortura, 绝顶之惨叫姬·折磨小姐
Gender: Female
Original Name: トーチャー・トルチュール


The highest-ranking torture officer in the Demon King's army. A devil with the appearance of a young adult woman. A genius in "torture" worthy of the highest rank. Her skills are so provocative that they can even subdue the Demon King, but most of the secrets reported to the Demon King are useless. When her subordinates, the torturers, are in a tight spot, they somehow end up spilling her secrets.
She is a serious and intelligent woman who can pay meticulous attention to detail, and she also possesses the kindness to carefully consider the well-being of a captured princess. While she is in the position of torturing the princess through seduction, she also diligently takes care of the princess's captive life, making her time enjoyable, which makes the princess fond of her despite everything.
She was scouted by the Demon King's army while enjoying a meal at a restaurant and became a torturer. Her previous job was a nurse, and she uses her work history and experience to conduct health examinations for the princess (not related to torture, but since the princess hates injections, it ends up extracting information). Episodes of her enjoying meals alone, both privately and on business trips, are also depicted. She is not good at sports and quickly gets tired when trying torture-related sports activities together. She adores her newly born niece and loves rabbits (when invited to Krall's room, she excitedly takes many photos), as revealed by Yangki. Among the characters in the story who use smartphones, such as the princess, Yangki, Yinki, the Demon King, and Canadge, Torture is the only one who prefers a flip phone. She has a driver's license and acts as the driver for the princess and others using the Demon King's army's company car when going out for torture.

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(Last edited time: April 21, 2024, 7:22 p.m.)

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